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Investigation of Undesirable Event by Fault Tree Analysis - Study of domestic LPG Gas Leak

Venkata Nageswara Rao Chatti, Bhargav Penke, Sai Jayanth Mukalla, Shashank Chinta, Venu Gopal Bogilli


Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a dependable and commonly used method for analyzing and identifying the combinations of failures, faults, or events that could result in a specified top event, which is typically a system failure or malfunction. FTA is widely used in risk assessment, reliability engineering, and system safety analysis, and it has proven to be an effective tool for determining the likelihood and consequences of potential system failures. FTA entails creating a logical, graphical representation of the system under consideration, with the top event at the top of the tree and the various failures and faults that lead up to the top event represented as branches. FTA can be used to assess the effectiveness of risk-control measures and to identify problem areas in the system. This work focuses on construction of an FTA for a LPG Gas Leakage scenario in a household. Further, a discussion on the scenario would subsequently enable industries in utilization of the tool. Risk Matrix is deduced based on the brainstorming session and the same is validated through the Risk Priority Number (RPN).


FTA; system failure; risk assessment; reliability engineering; system safety analysis; Risk Matrix; RPN

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