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SAHITHI THAPASWINI MARATHI, Dr. V. Kumaraswamy, A. Manikanta, B. Narasimha


Today's society frequently uses a complete blood count (CBC) blood test to look for infections,
allergies, blood clotting issues, anemia, and leukemia. A microscope is used to look for problems in the
blood sample after a physical examination to count the number of blood cells. Yet, because of the
length of time involved, there is a possibility that someone will make a mistake. A white blood cell
(WBC) count can give clinicians crucial information about different diseases or different stages of
diseases. Manual access is a laborious and inaccurate technique. On the other hand, the machine
technique, which uses a hematological analyzer, is quite expensive. Accurate segmentation is the most
challenging issue when using image processing to count or characterize WBCs. Digital image
processing makes it possible to take information from an image and make it meaningful and useful.
White blood cells are counted and the nucleus is described. This procedure will be cheaper, more
efficient, and take less time.

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