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Hexapod Robot Platforms: Applications in Real-world Environments

Suganthi Neelagiri, Anand Mohan Pandey, Ritesh Kumar, Rishabh Dadhich, Yaman Singh


The main goal of this project is to present a fully constructed Hexapod robot with six legs for versatile movement and a wide range of degrees of freedom. While previous studies have focused on mobile robots, recent advancements have led to the development of impressive navigator robots that have practical applications. The Hexapod's multiple legs offer the advantage of easy customization and the ability to perform various gaits, including tripod, wave, ripple, and quadruped gaits This work aims to present a fully fabricated Hexapod robot, emphasizing its fundamental features such as the basic structure, mechanical design, electronics schematics, motion planning, payload capacity, and walking gaits. The design encompasses crucial aspects such as the structure, mechanics, electronics, motion planning, payload capacity, and walking gaits. Kinematic and dynamic analyses were carried out using the DH forward and inverse matrix method. Unlike wheeled or tracked robots, legged robots excel at navigating terrains with obstacles larger than their wheel diameters, making them highly valuable for exploring more than half of the Earth's surface. Legged robots typically consist of appendages connected to a central body, enabling them to maneuver obstacles effectively using their leg lengths.


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