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Design and Analysis of Smart Stents Using MEMS Pressure Sensors

Manan Jawahar Lohani, Pranav Ravi Embar, Hariharan Ganesan, Dr. S M Kulkarni


In modern day medicine, stents are a commonly used device for patients with cardiovascular diseases.There is however no accurate method of monitoring its working and ensuring that the stent is able to prevent any further blockages. Stents can also cause issues like restenosis and thrombosis, which if not treated immediately can have serious repercussions for the patient. This project aims at understanding,modelling and developing a smart stent which can resolve most of the issues with modern day stents and also work as an early warning system for restenosis and thrombosis. Smart stent can monitor the blood pressure inside the stent and any blockage in the stent can be identified and treated immediately.
The motivation for the project is to improve the existing stent technology and provide doctors and patients an accurate system to monitor the working of the stent inside an artery.


Stent, MEMS, restenosis, blood pressure, pressure sensors

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