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Computation of Centre of Gravity of Wagon in Wagon Tippler by Using load cell

Mohd. Kalimuddin Shaikh


In Bulk material handling applications, material like coal, iron ore and clinkers are transported through India Railway wagons. Wagons are filled at source and are unloaded at Raw material handling plant with the help of Wagon tippler. Unloading is done by lifting and tilting it on Wagon tippler. It is very essential to fill the material equally inside wagon so that combined CG of wagon with material is at center line of Wagon. Uneven filled material inside wagon will have effect on its CG position. Due to its CG shift, wagon may derail during unloading operation. Load cell installed beneath the wagon tippler platform for measuring the weight of loaded wagon & empty wagon to keep record of material quantity receipt. It can be effectively used for computing the CG wagon which can give an additional safety in addition to their normal usage. CG computing can be done by comparing the individual load cell reading. Weighing system accuracy is high when it measures weight in stationary condition, similarly comparison accuracy can also be done during stationary weighing


Wagon tippler, Weigh Bridge, Electronic weighing system, Load cell, static weighing system, Computation of Centre of gravity.

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