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Investigation on Spar Platform for Low Capacity Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in Shallow Water Deployment

M. P. JAGTAP, L. G. Navale, S. D. Suryawanshi3


In this paper, we discuss hydrodynamic analysis on the three different design of spar buoyancy platform utilize for floating vertical axis wind turbine. The major parameter like diameter of platform at cut water plane and length of spar buoyancy platform are selected as variable to carry out design of experiments. The systematic investigation is carried out to determine minimum ballast weight to ensure stability of floating platform under Pitch, Roll and Yaw movements along the axis. The Ansys Aqwa software module is used to carry out hydrodynamic analysis of floating spar buoyancy platform. The graph obtained from Hydrodynamic diffraction amplitude and phase of the structure response are investigated for change in diameter of spar, ballast weight and draft. The change in wave direction and wave height with variable frequency used to investigate response amplitudes operators of floating platform. The angle between wind and wave directions applied to floater is analyses for Pitch, Roll and Yaw motions. The Ansys software’s used for stability analysis are discussed along with their major considerations and accuracy of results with analytical results.


Response amplitude operators (RAOs), Metacentric heights, Reserve Buoyancy, Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT), Forud Scale

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