Comparison & Improvement in Channel Estimation Techniques for Next Generation Network Using mm wave OFDM Channel
Thispaperdevelopsschemesfororthogonal matching pursuit (OMP), bayesianCramerRaoBound&ORACLE-LSchannelestimationtechniqueinmilli-meterwave(mm-Wave) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO)systemsthatexploitthespatialsparsityinherentinchannels.InsimulationresultsshowscomparisonbetweenORACLELS&orthogonalmatchingpursuit(OMP)onthebasis of NMSE v/s SNR comparison betweenorthogonal matching pursuit OMP, MSBL, andTSBL-based&variouschannelestimationtechniquesforthemm-WaveMIMOwhosesetupparametersareasNT(Nooftransmitter)
=8, NR (No of recivers) = 8, NBeam =8, R = 8, NRF =4,Nc(Noofcarriers)=5andG=10.SimulationresultshowstheimprovedinperformanceoftheproposedORACLELS-basedchannelestimationtechniquesgivesbetterperformanceincomparisontothepopularorthogonalmatchingpursuit(OMP)
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