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Organic Waste Management – An Approach for Clarification of Infertile Lands

Abdul Samad M Kamdod, Salma Sultana


In this method of research, the major focus has been given on largest food waste generating countries and to create a green solution for poor countries by the management of waste. As much as 30% of the worldwide food grown may be lost or wasted. The food production is expected to increase by 60% by 2050 as per UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to meet the demands of increasing population of the world. It is known that 45% organic matter is present in the manure based compost. This means, it may add 3.5 t of organic matter by adding 20 t/acre of fresh compost that can be reused for the infertile land. The solution for the poor food producing countries is that a million tons of food waste is processed in many developed and in some developing countries, if produce at least 30% of food waste may give approximately of 5.2% of organic matter and is not ordinary one. This may fulfill the demands of needy; and several acres of land can be turned in to fertile land

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