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Carlos Armenta-Deu, Hernán Cortés


This paper describes an online method to calculate real driving range for electric vehicles when operating in intercity routes. The method uses specific algorithms for dynamic conditions based on real driving conditions adapting the calculation method to the characteristics of the route and to the way of driving; electric vehicle characteristics are also taken into consideration for the driving range calculation. The method has been compared to the WLTP protocol for the same operating conditions obtaining accuracy higher than 98.5%, what proves the validity of the proposed methodology. Real data have been obtained from driving tests in a real electric vehicle under specific driving conditions and compared to the results generated by a simulation process specifically developed for the new method run at the same operating conditions than the real tests; the comparison has produced a very good agreement, better than 99.2%. The method can be customized according to the electric vehicle characteristics, the type of route and the way of driving; therefore, it shows an improvement in the determination of the real driving range for an electric vehicle since it applies real driving conditions instead of protocol statistical data.


Electric Vehicle. Driving Range. Customization. Driving Protocol. Dynamic conditions.

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