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The Developed System of Continuous Utilization of Carbon Dioxide, Enrichment of the Atmosphere with Oxygen and Production of Biofuel Using the Resulting Concentrate of Rapidly Multiplying Microalgae

Michael Shoikhedbrod


It is known that microorganisms, such as microalgae, during photosynthesis utilize carbon dioxide and enrich the atmosphere with oxygen. Microalgae, on the other hand, can be converted into biofuels by extracting fatty acids from macromolecules known as lipids. Recovery of this fatty acid traditionally requires the removal of most of the water from the microalgae resulting in biomass slurry. The method developed earlier permitted to obtain a high-quality concentrate of rapidly reproducing microalgae from their nutrient medium, using microdispersed negatively charged hydrogen bubbles, formed as a result of electrolysis of an aqueous solution of the nutrient medium with microalgae cells, and an aqueous solution of the nutrient medium, which becomes a negatively charged catholyte due to its saturation with microdispersed negatively charged hydrogen bubbles, floating on the free surface of an aqueous solution of a nutrient medium with microalgae cells. The established method for extracting a high concentration of quickly reproducing microalgae from its nutrient medium allowed the development of a closed-loop system for continuous carbon dioxide Utilization and oxygen enrichment of the environment via microalgae photosynthesis., cultivated by a photo bioreactor by means of constant feeding of the photo bioreactor with a part of the concentrate of rapidly reproducing microalgae, obtained by the developed method, and an aqueous solution of their nutrient medium, freed from microalgae cells; for the continuous processing of a large part of the obtained concentrate of rapidly reproducing microalgae into biofuel by extracting fatty acidslipids from bio-cells of the rapidly reproducing microalgae concentrate.

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