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Cancer Prevention Activity in Vitro and the Mechanism of Action Bioactive Ingredients

Amit Singh Raghuvanshi


Natural substances that can treat a variety of ailments, including cancer, can be found in the Solanaceae plant family. There is still uncertainty regarding the location and mode of action of these substances in cells. Several of the cellular targets can now be studied and identified thanks to increasing advances in biological science research. The relevant studies that describe how some of these substances may fight cancer are found in this review's analysis of publications from the previous five years. According to these studies, these chemicals aim to suppress cell proliferation by targeting a variety of distinct parts or pathways in cells. It's interesting that certain substances have several targets and may work well against various cancers. Scientists may be able to create brand-new, cancer-fighting medications using this expertise. Pharmacotherapy becomes the primary type of treatment when the disease has progressed, and surgery and radiotherapy aren't any longer effective in curing the condition. The poor selectivity of the anticancer medications available, however, prevents them from usually curing the disease. The dismal survival rates of individuals with the most prevalent metastatic tumours are a reflection of the limited efficacy of the available anticancer medicines. The number of pharmacologically active chemicals produced by plants is unending and includes many that are effective against cancer. A variety of bioactive chemicals found in the Solanaceae family, which also includes commercially significant food plants like potatoes and tomatoes, have been extensively used in traditional medicine

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