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Comparison of the Compressive Strength of Concrete Made with Palm Kernel Shell and Gravel as Coarse Aggregates

Habiba Musa Lawal, Abdussalam A., Shehu N., Baba H.I., Lawal H.M., Tukur M.B., Buhari G


The investigation of alternative materials for the construction, comparison of the compressive strength of concrete made with palm kernel shell as coarse aggregate and concrete made with gravel. A mix proportion of 1:2:4 with water cement ratio of 0.6, ordinary Portland cement, PKS, gravel and sand were used for this research. 24 cubes were cast and tested for compressive strength at 7, A14, 21 and 28 days. The result showed that the PKS had more absorption capacity than the gravel. The apparent specific gravity of 1.63 for PKS and 2.70 for gravel indicated that the aggregate falls within the range of light weight and normal weight respectively. The compressive strength of the PKS concrete was observed to be 7.94 Nmm-2 at 7 days and 17.76 Nmm-2 at 28 days of curing while that of gravel concrete was observed to be 7.94 Nmm-2 at 7 days and 17.76 Nmm-2 and 14.96 Nmm-2 at same curing days. It was observed that the concrete strength increases as curing days increase. This indicated that the application of PKS concrete is not suitable for wearing surfaces. The compressive strength observed for the PKS concrete showed that it could be used for light weight structural elements as specified by ASTM (1977) which recommends at least 17 Nmm-2 for structural light weight concrete. Further tests are recommended on the elasticity, creep, anchorage/bond and durability for the two concrete types used.

Keyword: Palm kernel, compressive strength, concrete, coarse aggregate

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