Rocker Bogie System using RF Communication
The rocker-bogie system is a robot that can travel in rough terrain. Its mechanism helps in maintaining stability. It is a multispecialty robot that can be used for various applications. The use of Rocker-Bogie mechanism helps in maintaining the balance of the robot which is used to travel on an uneven surface, usually called as an All-Terrain Vehicular Robot. The conditions preferably needed for the robot to work are in rough conditions, surfaces such as obstacles and surfaces with uneven travel conditions. The robot consists of an RF module of 2.4 GHz frequency to communicate between the user and the robot, a mobile camera acts as a video transmission device to the user during long-distance operations. The multi-specialty system of an all-terrain vehicle is a prototype which can be implemented easily at a low cost, making it efficient to implement. The major challenge in the working of the robot is its stabilization and balance. The rocker-bogie mechanism makes the robot an All-Terrain Vehicle and a multispecialty robot which can be used for various applications. A camera is also installed on it for video surveillance. This helps the user to visualize the surroundings and operate easily from anywhere.
Keywords: Actuator, frequency, robot, Rocker bogie, RF module
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N. Dinesh Kumar, A.V. Karthik Prasad,
A. Harini Reddy, C. Harika. Rocker Bogie System using RF Communication. Journal of Electronic Design Technology. 2019; 10(2): 22–29p.
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