Effect of Reinforcement on Bearing Capacity of Sand

Rajesh Pathak, Harvinder Singh


The reinforced earth concept, which is now being evaluated with increased significant encompasses formation of a composite of a soil with tension resistance reinforcing elements such as metallic and nonmetallic strips, bars, rods fibers or nets in the soil. The objective of using the reinforcement is to supress the normal tensile strains in the soil mass through frictional interaction. Flexible nature of reinforced earth mass enables it to withstand large differential settlements without distress. Reinforced earth permits construction of engineering structures over poor and difficult subsoil conditions. In situations, where the deformation and displacement of foundation soil are such that only flexible structures can be constructed, reinforced earth is more suitable. The reinforcement of sand is more beneficial in loose sand conditions where the deep foundation is not economical. Thus the reinforced earth has provided geotechnical engineer with a material which when appropriately can offer substantial economies over conventional techniques. The present model study has been carried out using strip footing on a deep, homogenous Ghaggar sand bed reinforced with mild steel wire mesh for obtaining its load settlement behavior. The model is developed by considering and varying parameters such as number of reinforcing layers, depth of first reinforcing layer from base of footing, interspacing between reinforcing layer and density of sand bed. A comparison is made between load and settlement characteristics of un-reinforced sand and reinforced sand. 


Keywords: soil reinforcement, bearing capacity, reinforced earth

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