Thermal Analysis of Isotropic and Orthotropic Plate By Trignometric Shear Deformation Theory
In the present study, a sinusoidal shear and normal deformation theory taking into account effects of transverse shear as well as transverse normal is used to develop the analytical solution for the bidirectional bending analysis of isotropic, transversely isotropic, laminated composite and sandwich rectangular plates. Governing equations and boundary conditions of the theory are obtained using the principle of virtual work. The Navier solution for simply supported laminated composite plates have to develop. Results obtained for displacements and stresses of simply supported rectangular plates have to compare with those of other refined theories and exact elasticity solution wherever applicable. The Navier-type exact solutions for static bending analysis are have to for sinusoidally and uniformly distributed loads. The accuracy of the present theory is ascertained by comparing it with various available results in the literature.
Keywords: Trigonometric shear deformation theory, Transverse inplane stress, Transverse displacement, Trigonometric function
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