A Quad-Element UWB-MIMO Triangular Monopole Antenna with Triple Band -Notch and High Isolation
A quad-element UWB-MIMO triangular monopole antenna with triple notched bands and high isolation is proposed in this paper. The presented antenna consists of four triangular -shaped antenna elements, which are arranged in orthogonal orientation. This antenna is printed on low-cost FR-4 substrate with dielectric constant of 4.4 and its overall size is 50 × 50 × 1.6 mm3. Its operating frequency band is 2.97~11GHz. High isolation of 22dB between four radiating elements was attained for bandwidth range by using the square ring-shaped metallic barrier. Triple band rejection property at WiMAX band, WLAN band and the downlink of X-band satellite communication system was obtained using L-shaped and I-shaped resonant slots. A great agreement between simulation and measurement was achieved.
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