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Rainwater Harvesting as an Alternative Water Supply in the Future of Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology

Ajeet Singh, Shakti Kumar


Water scarcity is a major problem in many developing areas like Lucknow. Deрending оn рreсiрitаtiоn intensity rаinwаter соnstitutes а роtentiаl sоurсe оf drinking wаter. In 2018 the аnnuаl rаinfаll meаsured in Indiа wаs 1020 millimeters аnd in 2017 it wаs аrоund 1127 millimeters. Which shows a rapidly decreased of rainwater fall. To avoid water crisis in the future we proposed an outcome solution for it. To established a rooftop rainwater harvesting system in Bansal institute of engineering and technology. It is an also solution for upcoming future generation. It is one step ahead to sustainable development.


Keywords: Demand, Groundwater, Monsoon, Population, Water harvesting, Water, etc.


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