Seismic Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Subjected To Ground Motion Using Time History Method
The use of continuous concrete box girder bridges has increased recently. In construction of this type bridges having constant or variable section height, the cantilever method can be applied. Box girder section forms consist of single or more box girder based on bridge wide. The cantilever method is considered as the natural and logical solution in construction of box girder bridges. There are two basic alternatives in the cantilever method: one is single cantilever method and the other is the double cantilever method. In the former, the side span girders of the bridge are constructed on interim piers and afterwards the stiffening girder in main span is constructed by one-sided free cantilevering until the span center or the anchor pier on the far end is reached. In the latter, the bridge girder is constructed from both side of the tower towards the anchor piers and the main span center by double-sided free cantilevering. The double cantilever method is also called as the balanced cantilever method.
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