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Predicting oxygen deficit effect on two dimensional Flow transport of pasteurella in eleme stream

Eluozo. S. N, Ezeilo F. E.


Pasteurella deposition in Eleme stream was investigated from point sources of waste discharge in different locations, predictive model application were used to monitor the transport process of the contaminant in the stream, the study observed the growth rates from the graphical trend in gradual increase to the optimum level, while that of experimental values experienced similar condition but with rapid increase on few figures, the system observed predominant parameter such as oxygen deficit to influence the deposition and transport system of Pasteurella in the stream, such condition details lots of other related significant parameters that also attributed to the variation growth rate of the contaminant, the investigations observed oxygen deficit influenced by constant diffusion and aeration in the stream, this allow for higher rate of dissolved oxygen deficit in the stream, but the fluctuation experienced allow for the variation in concentration in the stream, this were observed in two dimensional direction of flow concentration in the study, the predictive values ranged between 1.226543438-8137.188449, 1.221915855-8106.487938, 1.221723418-8105.211266, 1.22169593-8105.028901, 7.392160154- 1.22087E+39, 7.391877914-1.22087E+39, 7.401209836-1.22241E+39, 7.400703032-1.22233E+39,the study is imperative because it has define the migration influence of pasteurella in the stream, it has also predicted the optimum values of the contaminant in two dimensions flows directions, finally, it has expressed other influences related to oxygen deficit that has some level of significant in the study environment.


Predicting, Oxygen Deficit, Two Dimensional Flows, Transport and Pasteurella

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