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Jagtap, Vishal D., Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Someshwar Engineering College, Pune, Maharashtra, India (India)
Jain, Bharat Bhushan, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, JEC, Kuk as, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Jain, Bharat Bhushan, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jaipur Engineering College, Kukas, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
jain, bharat bhushan
Jain, Prashu, Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)
Jain, S K, E&I Deptt., Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Jain, Smriti, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)
Jain, Smriti, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
jalaluddin, mohamed, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore, India The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, India
Jangir, Manish, Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Global Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)
jeevane, prachi
Jeewane, Prachi, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bhivrabai Sawant Institute of Technology and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India (India)
Johny, Fincy
Jose, Ria Agnes, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Holy Grace Academy of Engineering, Mala, Kerela, India
Josh, Anshio, Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Joshi, Dheeraj, Department of Electrical Engineering, YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad, Haryana, India (India)
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eISSN: 2249-4774