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Analysis and Strength Assessment of Solid and Honey Comb Structure of Turbofans in Aeroengines

S. Jameel Basha, Sowdager Moin Ahmed


Weight reduction of turbofan engines is one of the main concerns of aero engine manufacturers in
order to reduce fuel burn. To achieve higher fuel efficiency, aero engine manufacturers develop
turbofans with higher bypass ratio, which can only be achieved with larger (and heavier) fan sections.
This makes weight reduction in fan components a major consideration and becomes a key driver for
the use of composite materials in future engines. The objective of this work is 3D design; perform
structural analysis by using Ti-64 alloy. This composite alloy is used for two objective orientations,
one is solid structure of Ti-64 alloy and another is to construct three layered fan blades with honey
comb core of bonding by Ti-64 alloy sheets. To achieve higher fuel efficiency the objective of this
project is to 3D design; perform structural analysis on Ti-64 alloy. This work is about the structural
analysis of a composite fan blade with solid and honeycomb sandwich construction. The cavity of
blade is filled by Ti-64 foil like a honey comb structure. The focus of this work is to design the fan
blade with honeycomb core and conduct static, model, and dynamic analysis and come up with the
best suitability among solid and honeycomb structure for the turbo fan in aero engines.


Honeycomb sandwich construction, three layered fan blade, structural analysis, Static analysis, Dynamic analysis

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