Analytical Performance Evaluation of Coherent Detection Optical Receiver over Direct Detection in OFDM Wireless Optical Communication System under Turbulent Condition
Wireless Optical (WO) communication networks have the ability to have high-speed and robust access. WO communication network output can be greatly affected by ambient conditions. Atmospheric turbulence is among the facts about the atmosphere which can reduce the reliability underneath clear sky. Earlier, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in WO is reported for the design of a high-performance communication channel for the atmospheric network. Selecting a proper detection scheme in the OFDM WO system is important to minimize fluctuations as well as in intensity and in the received signal process. An analytical methodology is established throughout this paper to analyze the OFDM WO communication system's bit error rate reliability for both direct and coherent detection under strong turbulent situations. The numerical findings reveal that due to the presence of atmospheric turbulence, OFDM WO link suffers greatly from power penalty. However, with proper detection system, the power penalty can be minimized by increasing the amount of OFDM subcarriers at a specified data rate. It is also observed that the coherent detection offers 12 dB improvements over direct detection for the same OFDM WO system configuration.
Keywords: Bit error rate (BER), coherent detection receiver, direct detection receiver, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), optical wireless (OW) communication system.
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Bobby Barua, S.P. Majumder. Analytical Performance Evaluation of Coherent Detection Optical Receiver over Direct Detection in OFDM Wireless Optical Communication System under Turbulent Condition. Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication. 2020; 10(1): 14-23p.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/toeoc.v10i1.3909
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