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Controlling Movement of Vehicle Using Ultrasonic Sensor

K. Latha, Y.V. Bhaskar, K. Veeraswamy


At the present years, the collisions are majorly caused by interruption of the driver to hit the brake or by the negligence by the driver. The present work aims to develop a model system that recommend an automatic braking in vehicle, which is system can operate spontaneously
with the help of high profile sensors based on relay circuit and some changes in traditional braking system and apply the brake automatically in emergency situation. The system can accomplish measurements with high accuracy and improved short distance measurement also
and this distance measurement will be used to control smart braking system for safety applications. The brain of the system part can be developed on Arduino Nano microcontroller. The ultrasonic sensors are acting as eyes of this system, which are cheaper, and the system
comprises of a less demanding hardware. The braking is done with the help of 3/2 solenoid
valve which actuates brakes and clutch.

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Controlling Movement of Vehicle Using Ultrasonic Sensor K. Latha Y.V. and Veeraswamy

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