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Use of the Visible Spectrum of Light and Light Transmission: A Review

Rahul Yadav, Arun Kumar Yadav


Almost everyone uses the internet today, either over a wired or wireless network, to complete their tasks. Everyone, including businesses, organisations, entrepreneurs, and institutions, is concerned about accessing the right information at the right time and place, so internet speed is a significant issue. Then you need technology, a wide range of channels, and quick internet connectivity. According to 1EEE 802.11n specifications, wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) provides a speed of 150 Mbps, however this is insufficient to provide the necessary number of users on the network. German physicist Professor Harald Haas has created a new technology called as Li-Fi to address this Wi-Fi shortcoming. A wireless communication networks called Li-Fi uses light as a carrier signal rather than the conventional radio frequency utilised in Wi-Fi. A light emitting diode is used by the Li-Fi technology to transmit data wirelessly. It employs wireless, bidirectional communication utilising light. I want to provide readers a detailed look at Li-Fi technology in this essay. With the help of this technology, we can achieve data rates much faster than 10 Mbps, which is much higher than our LAN (Local Area Network). Li-Fi is far more profitable than Wi-Fi because it employs VLC, which allows us to utilise the full 60 GHz spectrum. Li-Fi allows for data transmission using LED bulbs whose intensities fluctuate at a rate that is too fast for the human eye to process. Li-Fi is limited to the area that is lighted, creating a very regulated environment. The signals are completely secure, thus the possibility of remote data hacking is effectively eliminated. They also cannot pass through barriers.


Wi-Fi, Li-Fi (Light Fidelity), RF, wireless communication, LED (Light Emitting Diode), photo detector

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