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Accelerating Market Penetration: A Study On Promotional Campaigns And Buyer Behavior In The Gujarat Automotive Sector

Solanki Priyanka M


This research paper frame by researcher to know the promotional activity of car markets and further impact on buyers in Gujarat state we all know that Gujarat’s state of festivals in Gujarat were people make purchase most of the festival period and also month of august consumer more purchase on HOLI, CRISMATS, DIWALI  DASSERA etc. and also major purchase on special day like birthday, AKADASHI,VASANTPANCHAMI etc. utilizing a combination of qualitative and quantities analysis, this study mixed methods approach to investigate the various aspect of promotional activity and how they affect consumer behavior so this paper refer how promotional activity make impact on buyers on car market. Gujarat's economy greatly benefits from the automobile sector, therefore expanding the market requires an understanding of consumer behavior and the effects of promotional efforts. This research investigates the various promotional methods used by automobile firms and their impact on customer decision-making processes through an extensive examination of literature and empirical analysis. Furthermore, the research delves into elements like consumer behavior patterns, pricing tactics, and brand perception that influence the Gujarat automobile industry.


Car market, Promotional activity, Festival role, Automobile, Manufacturing

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