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Impact of Food Delivery Applications on Traditional Dining Behavior: A Consumer Behavior Analysis

Utkarsh Kaushik, Rishav Verma, Ritu Sharma, Yash Kandelwal, Shilpa Kalra


The lack of clear guidance for responsible food service companies to reduce their environmental footprint means that efforts taken by restaurants may not have the intended environmental impact. As a result, Green Seal conducted his LCA study of restaurants and foodservice establishments to define environmental priorities. Every year, almost 34 million tons of food waste are dumped in landfills in India. When this food waste decomposes, methane gas is generated, which adversely affects global warming. By diverting this organic food waste from landfills to new technologies, we prevent this waste and greenhouse gas emissions and collect the emitted gases to generate a renewable energy source. About 88 million tonnes of food is wasted in the European Union each year, accounting for 15-16% of the environmental impact of the entire food value chain. The state of the art on food waste in the literature on hospitality and food service (HaFS) is critically examined in this study. Utilizing a systematic literature review (SLR) methodology, it locates, assesses, and synthesizes peer-reviewed research on food waste in the HaFS industry. In addition, a comprehensive study profile is prepared to present summary statistics of selected articles in relation to study design, method of data analysis, variables studied, and theoretical lens used. The food waste intervention reduced overall food waste by 17%, with the majority of waste coming from discarded plates returning after consumption.

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