In India, the growth of rural sector directly depends on the road connectivity, which provides the platform and sustainability for economic activities in rural areas. However, difficult topography and unstable geology make the rural road constructions hard. Therefore, the locally available waste materials can be utilized to improve the soil characteristics and can promote the low cost road construction.
The present Study is aimed to review the improvement of engineering properties of soil sub grade under reinforcement using naturally available waste materials such as China Clay (Kaoiline), fly ash, bottom ash, slag, marble dust, stone dust, etc and natural waste fibers such as bagasse and human hair fiber and jute fiber.
It was observed that Non Grid Soil sampling techniques was used to collect the soil samples from different rural areas and the improvement in physical properties of locally available soil was investigated as per IS: 2720 Part 3-1980 and part 5- 1987. Quality improvement in Soil consolidation (IS: 2720 Part7-1985) and compaction (IS: 2720 part 16-1987) were also analyzed with different compositions of soil- natural waste mixes and optimum Mix Content was also investigated.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3759/ttea.v6i2.2652
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