Review of Simulation Techniques for Microscopic Mobility of Pedestrian Movement

Pritikana Das


Simulation techniques are very useful for developing models or systems over time to
represent the real-world scenarios. The model represents the key characteristics or
behaviors/functions of the selected physical or abstract system or process. Simulation
techniques are useful when the real system cannot be engaged, because of inaccessibility,
or dangerous or is unacceptable to engage or does not exist. Microscopic characteristics
of pedestrian traffic consider speeds, walking directions, distances between pedestrians,
relative positions, passing behavior and group behavior. In microscopic approach
individual pedestrians are evaluated in the study which is required for detailed design of
pedestrian infrastructure. In this study various microsimulation models, tools and
microscopic data collection techniques have been discussed briefly to encourage
designers, policy planners to implement pedestrian facilities considering the microscopic
approach. Level of service criterion and guidance for capacity manual can be
implemented by including microscopic characteristics of pedestrians. Microscopic
simulation models are broadly divided into five categories named cellular-based model,
physical force-based model, behavioral modeling, queuing network model and agentbased
model. Various simulation tools are basically based on these four models.
Nowadays a new model combining cellular automata and social-force model has been
proposed. This study is required to update designers or planners about various
microscopic approaches and helpful for designing real situation with details of
pedestrian movement to improve pedestrian traffic facilities.

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