Investment Analysis and communication Issues for Road Assets
The main purpose of this work is to develop good practices for management of infrastructures. The scope of this practice is mainly focused on pavement network, but it also includes other road assets like bridges, culverts and signs. A preventive maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction investment analysis is performed for these assets. The analysis and budgeting is performed for 20 years period to maintain and preserve the existing service level for the network. The effect on level of service has been assessed in case the budget is increased or decreased by 10%. The analysis also includes the Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) analysis. All treatments selected are based on customary practices for the region. The pavement sections are categorized into Inter-urban and rural to achieve strategic balance of investment. The IRI and AADT values are used for grouping the pavement sections. Key performance indicators such as SAI and IRI are used for selection of suitable maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction treatments. Treatments are applied, whenever the IRI values of a certain section reaches its trigger value. The network has been maintained at an acceptable level of service (LOS) or even better than present, at the end of 20 years period. All other assets (bridges, culverts and signs) are sub grouped based on condition rating ranging from very good to poor. These assets are replaced or rehabilitated, based on condition rating, remaining useful service life and economic feasibility. A budget of $ 510.17 Million is required to keep the pavements at existing level of service and structures in good and fair condition. The benefits calculated, include only VOC. The benefit cost ratio considering VOC and maintenance cost is calculated as 2.41.
Keywords: Infrastructure, level of service, maintenance, management, reconstruction, rehabilitation.
Cite this Article Iffat R. Arisa. Investment Analysis and Communication Issues for Road Assets. Trends in Transport Engineering and Applications.2020; 7(1): 1–16p.
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